
Student Index

Please take a moment to create a new repository and upload a basic index.html page to it.

Once you’re finished, please paste your Github page’s url to Google Spreadsheet.

Spend the first hour of today’s class building a single-page index with two sections that are clearly separated:

Section 1:

This should be a list of your projects so far in chronological order. You may choose to divide this section into two subsections (Lab: Squares, Media Query, Studio: The Dialogue), or keep the entire collection of links grouped together. Consider what information you show about each project (Ex: Name, Date, Description, Reaction, Resources Used) and how this section may grow over the semester.

Section 2:

This section should present links to your fellow student’s repositories (as listed on the google sheet). Consider what organizing principles you may introduce into this grouping. Is it alphabetical? Randomly placed? A grid? A map?

Once you are finished, push your changes to Github.